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A factory for navigators        

A prestigious StreetCar Club in the North of England has developed an assembly line for producing some world class navigators. Everyone has to start somewhere, learning and developing the skills it takes to perform on the big stage does not happen overnight. Getting started in navigating is perhaps the easiest way to get involved in StreetCar, read on to see where it could take you.

Ilkley & District Motor Club host a diverse calendar of events, and are notorious for producing some great navigators. With the help of StreetCar, Ilkley have been able to provide an accessible entry point into motorsport and hand newcomers the platform to learn the basic skills of navigating.

Neil Raven has given insight into the world class navigators that have started their journey at Ilkley.

Iain Tullie, was “born into the motor club” and started competing in navigational scatters in his standard Peugeot 306. He would always take on the role of navigator, and learned his trade from grassroots motorsport. When asked about his thoughts on getting started, Iain commented “experience and success at grassroots level will give the right people a brilliant head start if they seek to progress into professional co-driving and navigating”

Iain has progressed through the ranks of StreetCar and has since gone on to become “one of the UK’s top road and regularity navigators”.

Andy Pullan is another top class navigator to come through the ranks at Ilkley & District Motor Club. Andy was another born into the Club, being taken to events as a baby. Growing up at Ilkley & District Motor Club, Andy developed his skills through the 12 car discipline. He has since gone on to navigate on the national stage, competing in Europe “next to drivers who wanted the best in their car”.

The final success story to come out of the Club showcases a young driver making the Club proud on the Global stage! Seb Marshal appeared on the Ilkley scene shortly after passing his driving test, and was instantly welcomed into the fold, often volunteering with the Ilkley team at various rallies. Seb took to navigating like a duck to water, and has gone from navigating at grassroots level, to reaching the dizzy heights of the World Rally Championship to sit alongside drivers such as Haydon Paddon!

Ilkley have truly become known for both their navigating and welcoming social community, so if you find yourself around the North West, get down to an Ilkley event!

Whether you’re looking to progress through the ranks or simply have a fun day of motorsport, it all starts here.

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