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Touring Assembly

Touring Assemblies are fun for the whole family, and a great way to enjoy your car without competing. Participants follow a pre-determined, often scenic, route.

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Treasure Hunt

Participants are given clues to solve, or items to collect within a pre-determined area. A particularly social event, a Treasure Hunt Rally is fun for the whole family.

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Navigational Scatter

A Navigational Scatter is great for newcomers to the sport. Often held in the evening or at night, teams are given plot points on a map and must visit as many as possible, choosing their own route.

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12 Car Rally

Similar to a scatter, but with a defined route and a time limit. The objective is to navigate to each Time Control as quickly and accurately as possible.

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Navigational Rally

A 12 Car Rally, without the limit on entrants. Given a series of destinations, teams must navigate to each plot point in turn, arriving within a given time frame. Directions will vary in complexity.

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Road and Historic Rallies

The most advanced Rally format, a Road Rally takes place at night, with more cars and a longer route. Driver and navigator must complete the route in the shortest time possible.

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Targa Rally

With greater emphasis on the driver’s performance against the clock, a Targa Rally is a cross between a Rally and an Autotest. The course is marked out by cones, with a set route and a navigator to direct. Fastest time wins.

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to match you with a club.

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