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A star in the making

Liam Brotherhood, a 14 year old AutoSOLO prodigy, has just completed his first year of StreetCar competition and has truly proven that he is a star in the making.

StreetCar was created with the intention of providing an accessible entry point into motorsport, so for all those with a passion for cars, have a read through about just how easy and enjoyable getting started in StreetCar can be.

Liam’s story in motorsport so far has been that of rapid progression. After turning 14 in April 2023, Liam became eligible to begin competing in the Cannock & District Car Club Wheelspin AutoSOLO series. Wasting no time, Liam took to the tarmac and started his competitive career in a Suzuki Swift.

As for all newcomers, Liam was a little bit nervous to begin with, but with help from the welcoming community he has continued to build confidence behind the wheel. His car control has gone from strength to strength and he has quickly developed a reputation within the community for bringing fierce competition. Barry Mansell, a fellow competitor commented “he’s come on leaps and bounds, his driving is a treat to watch”.  

In his first year of motorsport, Liam has exceeded all expectations and is now confident enough to take on the seasoned veterans at Cannock & District Car Club. Despite first operating a car at the beginning of the 2023 season, Liam has made his mark on the AutoSOLO landscape achieving a very impressive second in class at the Windy Oak AutoSOLO back in February.

An enthusiastic Liam summed up his experience by saying “I’ve really enjoyed my first go at motorsport, and I think I’ve found a hobby for life. Like many of my friends I can’t wait to start driving, but competing in AutoSOLO gives me a chance to gain the skills I will need in a safe environment whilst having great fun. I’ve got to know many of the regular drivers who have been competing for years, and they have really shown me great support.” Not only does this highlight just how enjoyable StreetCar competition can be, but also, how welcoming our StreetCar Clubs are to newcomers.

Typically, when observing the benefits of competing in StreetCar we highlight the vibrant community, the excitement of competing and the opportunity for progression within motorsport. This story has revealed another benefit of StreetCar competition, as Liam’s father revealed that due to greater car control, he feels that teenagers “are so much better prepared for driving lessons and passing their driving test”.

Could you be the next star in the making? Get your motorsport career underway by filling in the ‘get started’ form here.

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