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Hark the Herald!

To cap off this month’s theme of classic cars, we bring you the father-son navigational rally team, and their Triumph Herald.

StreetCar provides a platform to progress and develop your skills, and this is exactly what we’ve seen from this family. Stephen, a StreetCar representative, and his son Rowan compete at the Blackpalfrey Motor Club with their Triumph Herald.

A true family treasure, Herald is a classic 1961 Triumph Herald 1200 Coupé, which was purchased by Stephen’s late father in 2017. In March 2021, Herald was passed down to Stephen and continued its motorsport legacy at Blackpalfrey Motor Club.

The motorsport passion truly does run through the family, as Rowan, Stephen’s son, was keen to get into rally navigation as soon as possible. Shortly after Rowan turned 12, the duo began by competing in their very first Regularity Run in February 2023. In their first competitive event, Herald, guided by Rowan and Stephen, managed to climb to 9th place! In which the Herald was performing on all cylinders and it’s superior turning circle was perfect for “the tight Kentish lanes!”.

It only got better from there. Since their first event, Rowan, Stephen, and Herald have continued to progress through the ranks and finished their next event in 7th place, Stephen commented on the performance saying, “Rowan had a perfect event, with absolutely no navigation mistakes”.

At the MG Car Club SE Scatter Rally, the duo reached their competitive pinnacle so far, and placed a very impressive 2nd overall, showing how much progression has been achieved since that first run in 2023. The duo continue to compete together and plan to take on further competition with Herald in 2024.

A common response within this month’s theme has been the sheer joy experienced when using a Classic Car within StreetCar. So if you’re sitting there, wondering what could be with your Classic, bring it down to a StreetCar event near you!

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