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Learning the trade

Car control is not something you can learn in the classroom, it is something only experience can teach. An AutoSOLO is the perfect starting point to develop and learn your trade in a controlled environment. Regulations determine that you can begin competing in an AutoSOLO from as young as 14, so what’s stopping you? Read through about how another young driver with a bright future has taken silverware in his first year of StreetCar competition.

After completing his first year of grassroots motorsport, Aiden Medford reflects on a very successful debut season with StreetCar. Aiden’s first experience of StreetCar was from a spectators point of view. Only 13 at the time, he had to watch on as club members battled it out at an AutoSOLO. That event ignited his passion for StreetCar and he was eager to get behind the wheel and start competing, Aiden reported “My mind was set on this, I had to wait until I was 14 to start, which felt like forever, but when my time finally came around I was met with a warm welcome”.

StreetCar competitor Aiden Medford

Aiden’s first season of competition has come with its challenges, especially as he has been learning how to control a vehicle for the first time. However, with the help of many fellow club members he has adapted to any difficulties and is continuing to strive forward and grow in confidence. Looking to the future, Aiden revealed  “I am still always eager to continue my journey through OMC and through motorsport as a whole”.

After a long and competitive season, all his hard work paid off at the Oxford Motor Club awards night, where he was presented the Rob Smith Award, a prestigious accolade recognising the most promising young driver at the Club.

Aiden is incredibly excited to begin competing in the season ahead and we can’t wait to see what this young driver may achieve! If you want to find out more about how you can begin your motorsport journey, submit the ‘Get Started’ form here.

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