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StreetCar at The Motorist

With many rally enthusiasts travelling far and wide to attend this iconic event, it was an event we simply had to attend! On the 27th of April our StreetCar MINI had the pleasure of accompanying De Lacy Motor Club and Ilkley & District Motor Club at the Rally Legends Meet at The Motorist in Leeds.

The Motorist offers a fantastic calendar and are always bringing exciting cars and conversations to their events. The Rally Legends Meet was no exception to this as many gathered round to see the StreetCar members’ competition cars and of course, our StreetCar MINI.

Ilkley and De Lacy representatives were both welcomed on stage by host Paul Woodford and opened the attendees’ eyes to StreetCar, as they spoke through some of the renowned events they have held throughout the years.

The event ran seamlessly, transitioning from stage rally cars to highlighting our StreetCar MINI. Alongside the two Clubs, we were able to perfectly showcase StreetCar, with many shocked to find out just how easy it is to get involved in Motorsport in your standard road car!

After an exciting event at the Motorist, many were wondering, how do I get started? Well, it all starts here by submitting your ‘get started’ form.

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